North Dakota Truck Driving Championship
– By #Dixon Bros.
Dixon Bros., Inc. Mandan, North Dakota Driver Keith Morris.
Dixon Bros., Inc - Mandan, North Dakota driver, Keith Morris, competed in the 2018 North Dakota Truck Driving Championship June 2, 2018. Winners are dertimined through their performance in three areas, a written test, pre-trip inspection and the driving competition. There are 9 classes for drivers to compete in. Class winners have the opportunity to (Click "Read More" found below to continue reading the article) move on to the National Championship. One of the class winners will also earn the top title of Grand Champion. Keith performed well and earned a third place finish in his class. Keith is a past class winner of the driving championships (8 times), past overall Grand Champion, and has competed eight times in the National Driving Championships as well. Congratulations Keith!

Above are pictures of Keith competing in the North Dakota Truck Driving Championships.
Generally, contestants in the Truck Driving Championships do not drive their own company's equipment. Event organizers make every attempt to ensure drivers do not drive their own equipment, however this may occur occasionally in certain classes where equipment donations are hard to find.
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